Services & Specialties

At Connect Counselling we offer individual, couple, group and family counselling services.


We provide these services within a safe, confidential and non-judgemental environment.


At Connect Counselling we value diversity and are open to

working with individuals, families and couples from diverse cultural backgrounds,
orientations and family compositions.


Please read on for more information about these services.

Individual Counselling

Individual counselling provides a secure space in which individual clients are supported by your chosen counsellor to work through the problems and challenges currently causing difficulty in your life. By helping you to make sense of the thoughts and feelings associated with your problems and how past experiences may contribute to maintaining problems, you are supported to identify and make desired changes. Your counsellor will work collaboratively with you to set goals and agree a counselling approach suited to your individual and unique needs. At Connect Counselling we offer individual counselling to adolescents, young people and adults.

Couples Counselling

Couples counselling provides a safe space in which your counsellor supports you and your partner to work together on the issues causing problems within your relationship. This may involve individual sessions as well as joint sessions based on the unique presenting issues within your relationship. Couples counselling may focus on the immediate or current challenges within the relationship, however can also explore past experiences and beliefs about relationships, which may be influencing your current relationship. In couples counselling both individuals within the couple are ‘the client’ and your counsellor will work to develop an equal relationship with both of you.

Family Counselling

Family counselling can support your family in a range of different ways depending on the composition of your family, age of family members and the challenges bringing your family to counselling. Your family counsellor will provide your family with a safe space in which to explore the underlying issues beneath family problems while also supporting you to identify underutilised strengths and resources that could help with improved coping and change. Family counsellors will sometimes work with whole family groups together and at other times with individuals or subgroups within the family for example, the parent or sibling subgroups. Your counsellor will view your entire family as ‘the client’ and to this end will consider everyone within your family system and work from a non-judgemental and respectful approach inclusive of each individual within the family system.