Emotional trauma / PTSD

$250 / $300* | 60 min


$375 / $525* | 90 min

* Psychologist fees

What is Emotional Trauma?

Emotional trauma is our reaction to a severe threat of death, injury or violation (the threat can be towards ourselves or someone close to us). Witnessing such events creates feelings of fear, horror, hopelessness and emotional pain.


Most people recover well within a few weeks of a single traumatic event without counselling or medication. However, in some cases of extreme trauma, or for people who have experienced repeated or multiple traumas, counselling and / or medication may be helpful.


Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a more complex reaction to trauma that is disruptive to normal living. PTSD can be effectively treated with counselling and / or medication.


Trauma can cause an individual to develop flawed beliefs about themselves or the world around them, which in turn can result in behaviours that may seem incompetent or inappropriate.


There are two types of trauma:


  • “big T” traumas, resulting from instances such as war, disasters, accidents, losses, abuse, and assaults
  • “small t” traumas, which may be minor individually yet can cause an individual to have less self-confidence, preventing the person from living their life to the fullest potential and leading to suffering as a result of self-limiting views.


Traumatic experiences can affect the person who has suffered trauma dramatically, causing them to question their sense of self and the order of the world. Traumatic experiences can result in anxiety and/or depression and give rise to other co-occurring disorders such as eating disorders, substance abuse, and other behavioural health issues.


What Are The Common Symptoms of Trauma?

Some common symptoms we might notice after an emotional trauma might include:


  • Flashbacks
  • Confusion, poor concentration, or not being able to make decisions
  • Feeling nervous and overwhelmed in everyday situations
  • Having a hard time sleeping, or experiencing nightmares
  • Difficulty enjoying activities that used to be enjoyable
  • Guilt and shame
  • Panic attacks
  • Irritability or aggression, sometimes escalating to rage and threats of physical violence
  • A sense of emotional numbness or dissociation
  • Being always on edge, jumpy or easily startled
  • Depression and grief
  • Avoidance – staying away from people, places, or situations that trigger symptoms of trauma
  • Suicidal thoughts


Symptoms can be considered to indicate Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) if they last for more than a month and interfere with daily functioning. Your therapist can screen for PTSD using a researched-based assessment tool. 


How Can We Help You?

Please book an appointment with Alison de la Cour, Ellen Fong or Dr Richard Lim for specific help dealing with trauma.


Our counsellors provide emotional support, and use the following techniques to help restore normal functioning:


  • Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) to help the brain release traumatic memories and associations 
  • Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT) to increase distress tolerance and emotional regulation skills 
  • Trauma-focused Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (TF-CBT) to increase coping skills and reframe trauma-related thoughts and beliefs 
  • Somatic Experiencing or similar types of therapy to process trauma by restoring balance to the nervous system.